best buds

Created by sunniesmith 11 years ago
I grew up with Brandon, in that little town of Knox. We endured endless hours of choir together. He always knew how to make a friend feel loved. I moved away our freshman year of high scho and came home feom time to time. Through the chaos of being a teenager I always knew B would be a part of home to me. He was a loyal friend and was always the life of the party. I'm not ready for him to be gone, its like a piece of home is now left empty and there is nothing I, or anyone else, can do about it. He stood by me through Mormonism, sometimes I'd call him just so I could hear someone say the word "Fuck!" I always knew I could be myself and didn't have to pretend to be perfect just so he would care about me. He just loved me for who I was right at that moment in time, and I him. Some people (even entire cultures) exist a lifetime and never get to enjoy a person for anything more than who they want them to be, but not B, he got it. He understood that it was important to let others be themselves. Ill never forget having my first alcohol with him and Hannah. Brandon gettin kicked out of the bar for bein his feisty self, and there I was 25 yrs old and I puked all night just like a teenager! Thanks for bein there when I needed a life line! I don't pretend anymore to know what happens when someone dies, where they go or where they don't. But I do believe, B is with us in our hearts and in our minds and I won't stop loving him just because he is more than a plane ride away. Catch up with Cheryl for the rest of us, we miss her too. Xoxox, Sunnie Smith