The Day that Brandon walked through the door at the Bungalow

Created by glennicesprigg 11 years ago
The first time I set eyes on Brandon was 31st July 2005, I remember this because it was my birthday. Tracee and I were sat at the picnic table in reception, both of us slightly drunk..!!! (just slightly) Tracee and I used to shout a welcome to everyone who walked in that door....The door opened, in walked Brandon, Chad and Tammy, they looked scared and slightly bemused. Tracee and I screamed a welcome, that was probably why they were scared !!! I said it was my birthday and they should come have a drink with us...Tracee yelled that Brandon looked like Bon Jovi...and that stuck. They were booked into 'J' where I was living at the time. I remember waking early the next morning and looking across to Brandon in the bottom bunk opposite me, Chad was in the bunk above Brandon. Suddenly a little blonde head popped up behind Brandon...Tammy...I didn't realise she was his Mum, she looked too young, I thought she was his girlfriend xxxx He was wrapped in his designer duvet (which later went missing) !!! That was the start of my friendship with Brandon, and Chad. He went back to Indiana a few days later and then came back a couple of months later for good... He made a beeline for me because he said he felt comfortable with me....he really was quite shy for a while. He called me his English Ma! He was the nicest, kindest man, who made everyone feel welcome and special. His energy was endless, when he had been doing the night shift he used to come into my room and wake me, sometimes with a glass of vodka...c'mon Ma! lets get partying....and we did. I can still hear his laugh, I can still feel his energy, I can still feel his light. He sure knew how to brighten a day. My dear dear friend Brandon xxx